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Since 2015, pv magazine Webinars are a neutral platform where to have trusted conversations and share knowledge. We work with our partners to deliver our participants an informative and engaging webinar experience. Our webinars are thematically oriented and do not serve the purpose of sales.

Below you can find our upcoming webinars as well as browse through our past webinar recordings.

Registration for pv magazine Webinars is free of charge. We look forward to your participation and critical feedback! Please send your questions and proposals to [email protected].

Past Webinars

Empowering energy savings at home

Across Europe, rising energy prices and the threat of short supply through the winter mean more consumers than ever are looking closely at rooftop solar. Taking control of energy supply in this way can help to reduce energy bills. Maximizing that savings potential, however, means additional uptake of batteries, and an energy management system that can maximize self-consumption of the rooftop generated power. In this pv magazine Webinar, Sungrow treats us to a closer look at its residential and commercial systems featuring hybrid inverter, battery, and EV charger.

Ensuring safety under UL3741

By assembling a panel of experts, to critically examine the risks and drawbacks of non-DC optimized solutions, especially in rooftop applications, webinar’s partner Solaredge demonstrates its commitment to a safer approach to UL3741 compliance. The panel in this pv magazine Webinar will cover topics such as compliance with codes and standards, design considerations, and the risks posed to firefighters and O&M workers when working around rooftop arrays.

How aerial data directs O&M crews to the right place, right time

Labor shortages pose a major challenge for US solar companies, leading to inefficient plant inspections and wasted skilled labor. In this pv magazine webinar, we will explore solutions using their solar data to optimize O&M and maximize plant performance.

Achieving lower LCOS with liquid cooled ESS

In this pv magazine Webinar, we will hear about the utility-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) market trends and investigate how Jinko Solar’s liquid cooled ESS can help achieve a lower levelized cost of storage (LCOS) for utility-scale applications.

The IRA domestic content bonus and its implications on developers and manufacturers

The domestic content bonus credit contained within the Inflation Reduction Act provides an attractive bonus to solar project developers and was designed to drive demand for domestically produced solar products in the United States. In this pv magazine Webinar we will review the details of the domestic content bonus, including recent guidance released by the Internal Revenue Service, and the challenges to access the bonus.

Reliability analysis of n-type modules

In this pv magazine Webinar, we’ll examine the reliability profile and technical performance of n-type modules. We will explore a roadmap to TOPCon module production and hear from industry experts about the advantages of this new technology that’s gaining traction for large-scale solar installations.

At the cutting edge of PV technology

Innovations in the solar manufacturing space have come thick and fast in recent years, as cell and module makers seek higher performance and unique features to differentiate their products. In this pv magazine Webinar, we examine the combination of two European technologies already impacting the market and take a closer look at German supplier Singulus’ new Passivated Edge Technology (PET) tool that promises further benefits from half, third or shingled cut cells.

Applications et rentabilité de la technologie de modules Hybrid Passivated Back Contact pour le marché français

Après la Chine, les Emirats Arabes Unis ou encore l’Espagne et l’Italie en Europe, le fabricant chinois Longi débute la commercialisation de sa dernière génération de modules photovoltaïques Hi-MO6 en France. Ce webinaire analysera l’apport de la méthode de passivation HPBC.

Right on Smart Track: Bankability criteria for single-axis trackers

How much more bankable are smart trackers compared to standard single-axis trackers? A question faced by project developers considering going for a tracker for their next project.
When installing a single-axis tracker at a solar project, developers first look at various bankability criteria, such as performance, reliability, installation, and O&M. In this pv magazine Webinar we will hear in greater detail how smart trackers stand out and what they are capable of.

Weather parameters and their effects on PV performance

In this pv magazine Webinar we will examine the key weather and environmental parameters affecting PV performance, underlining the importance of assessing these parameters in PV site design and operation.

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